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Elizabeth Devon:
teacher for more years than she cares to remember at local secondary schools, technical colleges and University of Bath
one of the three team members and webmaster of
Earth Learning Idea
secondary and primary facilitator for the
Earth Science Education Unit (ESEU)
Fellow of
The Geological Society
, member of the
Geologists’ Association
and of the
Earth Science Teachers’ Association
member of Teachers’ Panel for
Oxford Sparks
Education Trustee for KOBRA (Knowledge of Box Roman Archaeology), webmaster of
Box Roman Villa
writes and manages various websites and blogs
Brown's Folly Geological Guide,
Geology in the West Country blog,
Earthlearningidea blog
and Box Rock Circus and Box Roman Villa websites
writes Earthcaches, including one for
Box Rock Circus
former secretary and chair person
Bath Geological Society
and former chair person
Wiltshire Geology Group
has lived in the village for 50 years and loves the community and the surrounding landscape of the By Brook valley.