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We have received very generous funding from the following organisations:-
The project has been mostly funded (£10,000+) by a Landfill Communities Fund grant from
The Hills Group Limited through Community First, the Community Council for Wiltshire

Third party contribution (£1000+) has been received from the Corsham Area Board

Donation from the Cotswold Voluntary Wardens (Countryside Fund) towards the Interpretation Board (£410)
We also acknowledge the assistance of The Curry Fund of the Geologists’ Association
for a grant for the fossil rubbings (£300+)
Geologists' Association Website

The Bingham Trust, Box (£300 in 2012 and a further £200 for metal fossil rubbings in 2015)
Box Parish Council, donation towards the Interpretation Board (£250)
Real World Studios, Box (£250)
Wessex Watermark Award, Wessex Water (£200)
Tuesday Luncheon Club (Cumberwell Park)(£100)
St. Christopher’s Church, Ditteridge Ciné Club (£100)
Flame of Hope - Uganda Fire Choir
Blue View Properties Ltd.
Cotswold Voluntary Wardens
J. Price (of Bath) Ltd.
Box NATs
Boxlea Women's Institute
The individuals who have donated to this project

Thank you to you all!