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Teaching Ideas
Suggestions for Earth Science or Geography teaching are taken from Earthlearningidea

Looking at Rocks (KS 1, 2 & 3)
•  Modelling for rocks - what’s hidden inside and why?
•  Rock detective - rocky clues to the past
•  Space within - the porosity of rocks
•  What was it like to be there - in the rocky world?
•  Found in the ground: sorted!
•  ‘Rockery 1’ - rock game

Rock Cycle (KS 2 & 3)
Rock cycle - whole concept:-

•  Rock cycle through the window
•  Rock cycle in wax
•  James Hutton or ‘Mr. Rock Cycle’
•  ‘Rockery 2’ - rock cycle game

•  Weathering - rocks breaking up and breaking down
•  Cracking apart
•  Will my gravestone last?
•  Ice power (ELI+)

•  Rock, rattle and roll
•  Mighty river in a small gutter
•  Changing coastlines
•  Dust bowl
•  Grinding and gouging
•  Why does soil get washed away?

•  Mighty river in a small gutter

Sediments to sedimentary rock:-
•  Make your own rock

Sedimentary structures:-
•  Graded bedding
•  Imbrication
•  Load casts
•  Mudcracks - cracking the clues
•  Sand ripple marks in a tank
•  Sand ripple marks in a washbowl
•  Sole marks

•  Metamorphism - that’s Greek for ‘change of shape’ isn’t it?
•  Squeezed out of shape

Igneous processes:-
•  Blow up your own volcano
•  ‘Crystallisation’ in a pudding dish
•  See how they run
•  Unfair ‘build your own crystal’race
•  Volcano in the lab
•  Why do igneous rocks have different crystal sizes?

Uplift and fold mountains:-
•  Banana benders
•  Himalayas in 30 seconds
•  Margarine mountain-building

Fossils (KS1, 2 & 3)
•  Curious creatures
•  Fossil or not?
•  How could I become fossilised?
•  Mary Anning: Mother of Palaeontology
•  Running the fossilisation film backwards
•  Trace fossils - burrows or borings
•  Trail making
•  What was it like to be there? - bringing a fossil to life
•  Who ate the ammonite?
•  Dig up the dinosaur
•  Dinosaur death - did it die or was it killed?
•  Dinosaur in the yard
•  How to weigh a dinosaur
•  Meeting of the dinosaurs - 100 million years ago

Soils (KS1, 2 & 3)
•  Make your own soil
•  Soil doughnuts
•  Soil layers puzzle
•  Permeability of soils - ‘The great soil race’
•  Why does soil get washed away?
•  Darwin’s ‘big soil idea’

Fieldwork (KS1, 2 & 3)
•  Earth science out-of-doors: preserving the evidence
•  Rocks from the big screen
•  Building stones 1 - general resource
•  Will my gravestone last?
•  Building stones 2 - Igneous rocks
•  Building stones 3 - Sedimentary rocks
•  Building stones 4 - Metamorphic rocks
•  What was it like to be there - in the rocky world?
•  Fieldwork: Applying ‘the present is the key to the past’


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